Thursday, October 23, 2008

see my math....

I called the relationship off! Note I’m typing it in public,so it does NOT mean I’m trying to keep it a secret from some people or whatever. I’m happy I did it. We’re happy we did it.And God knows I was never ready for this sort of thing anyway.Relationships need too much trust,and patience and emotion and diligence. Everything I don’t have.It’s not that I wasn’t serious,it’s just that sometimes in an equation, you need a plus and a plus,or a minus and a minus to equal up to a plus, e.g.
(+2) x (+2) = +4 a plus.
(-2) x (-2) = +4 also a plus.
but if (-2) x (+2) = -4 you get a minus.
.’. if you want a successful relationship,both partners have to be very responsible and loving, or both have to be unreliable and heartless.


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